
Hardening Psi

Most Linux distributions started using hardening compiler and linker options for the programs in their packaging systems. Due to the slightly unorthodox build strategy of Psi (and even worse Psi+), it is not absolutely trivial to add these options when building it. Following is a short of instructions to build Psi (would also work for Psi+) with several hardening options. The options I will be using for this (feel free to use your own), are:
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Now – ridiculously late, I know – a couple of pictures I took back when tearing apart my Delco Carousel IV-A (CIVA) CDU. Sorry for the rather mediocre image quality, some day I should get a macro lens…
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Today my Delco Carousel IV-A Display Unit arrived from the US. It came in a much better shape than I expected it to.
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FlyJSim recently updated the amazing 732 TwinJet to a newer version which much improved sound, a great new pushback feature and what not… In the same process Jack also added a 3-D CIVA INS (requires a separate license). I really like the CIVA for flights without good VOR coverage, so I greatly appreciate the addition as a 3-D object. Unfortunately it was only added to the right hand side of the cockpit, so it is not easily visible from the captain’s side when the throttles are advanced forward (see also this thread on the FlyJSim forums).
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