
Size Comparison

I created a comparison picture to illustrate the size difference of the cameras mentioned in my last post: (I know the quality sucks, but i was too lazy to create the whole picture myself) Camera body size comparison

Why Analogue Photography Can Still Make Sense

I recently bought an analogue camera and I’ll be trying to explain why… Some years ago I purchased my first DSLR, a Nikon D90, and had a lot of fun with it. I mostly used the AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 (equivalent to ~53mm on full-frame cameras) and, more often than not, wide open and in black & white. (I guess some people call it “street photography”) The main problems with the camera were, that I didn’t have it with me all the time because of the body’s size and everybody and their brother noticed the rattling shutter/mirror.
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