This post will give a short summary of the tools and X-Plane plug-ins I used for the flight presented in the previous series of posts with their current prices. You do not need any of these to have a great time flying in X-Plane, it is just what I used for the flight. In comparison to what I had to pay for the Computer to run it on, it is a steal. ;-)
I. Weather Check:
- SkyVector – Free aeronautical charts page. (free)
II. Taking a Look at the Real World Flight Plan:
- FlightAware – Real world flight tracking website. (free)
III. Preparing the Flight Plan:
- PFPX – Flight planning software. (initially EUR 42 + VAT, including a one year server subscription; EUR 12 + VAT per year of subscription after the first year)
IV. Charts:
- Navigraph – Charts with worldwide coverage. (EUR 0.24–0.36 + VAT per Airport or EUR 48 + VAT per year, EUR 44 + VAT after the first year)
V.–VII. Pre-Flight, Departure, Approach:
Scenery4XP Canadian Rockies – Airport scenery, both Yellowknife and Edmonton. (USD 25)
Winter_Package & Simple Season – Winter season support & automatic switching. (free)
SkyMaxx Pro – Weather rendering engine. (USD 40)
[XPGFS] NOAA Weather – METAR/NOAA weather source. (free)
FlyJSim 737-200 – Aircraft. (USD 47)
Canadian North Livery (free)
CIVA INS – Navigation System (USD 8)